Hitomezashi Explorer

Pattern settings

Color settings

Pattern library

Here is a list of fun patterns. If you find any,
write me and I'll add them here !


Created by Guillaume Riou

Heavily inspired by this site


Pattern Settings

This tool lets you experiment with different horizontal, vertical and diagonal stitch patterns to create hitomezashi sashiko patterns.

In the pattern settings section of the tool, you can enter strings of 1s, 0s and any other characters in order to create a running stitc pattern.

The 1s represent starting a running stitch with the first stitch on the front side and the 0s represent starting a running stitch with the first stitch on the back side. Putting any other letter or number instructs the tool to skip the line entirely.

Pattern guides are shown for horizontal and vertical patterns but I'm not sure where to show the diagonals. If you have a brilliant idea, hit me up !

The "crosses" checkbox indicates to the tool that for this pattern, all the running stitches should intersect to make cross patterns.

Color Settings

In the color settings section of the tool, you can specify the color of the background and one or more thread colors.

You can use the + button to add a thread and the - button to remove the last one.

The colour patterns work in a similar way to what is explained in the last section except for this : 1s represent starting a running stitch with the first thread colour and 2s, 3s and so forth represent using thread colour 2,3, ... Any invalid thread number will be ignored

Other Buttons

Pressing the "Get shareable url" button will change the address in your address bar. You can then copy and paste that address to share your pattern with someone else or just to bookmark it. Please note that any changes made after pressing that button will not be saved.

The "Reset to default" button flushes the cache with your saved work and resets you back to the initial settings. This can be pratical if you have created an unwieldy amount of thread colors.